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作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2013年10月17

 近日,瑞典皇家科学院将2013年诺贝尔化学奖授予了三位教授,他们分别是:法国斯特拉斯堡大学(Université de Strasbourg和美国哈佛大学(Harvard UniversityMartin Karplus教授、美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)医学院的Michael Levitt教授,和美国南加州大学(University of Southern California)的Arieh Warshel教授。三位教授因开创使用计算机程序理解和预测化学过程的方法而获得诺贝尔化学奖。

为表祝贺,Wiley China Blog特意挑选出三位教授通过Wiley出版的学术成果,开放免费阅读,活动将持续到2013年12月底,大家抓住机会。


一、Martin Karplus教授

Martin Karplus教授目前是Wiley出版的期刊Journal of Molecular RecognitionJournal of Computational Chemistry的编委会成员,他曾通过Wiley发表了多项研究成果,并为包括Encyclopedia of ComputationalChemistry在内的众多书籍撰写章节。以下是Martin Karplus教授通过Wiley发表的部分文章与图书:

Protein Folding: A Perspective fromTheory and Experiment
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Volume 37, Issue 7, April 20, 1998, Pages: 868–893, Christopher M. Dobson,Andrej Šali and Martin Karplus
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-3773(19980420)37:7<868::AID-ANIE868>3.0.CO;2-H

The crystallographic structure of thealdose reductase–IDD552 complex shows direct proton donation from tyrosine 48
Acta Crystallographica Section D
Volume 60, Issue 8, August 2004, Pages:1347–1354, Federico Ruiz, Isabelle Hazemann, Andre Mitschler, AndrzejjJoachimiak, Thomas Schneider, Martin Karplus and Alberto Podjarny
DOI: 10.1107/S0907444904011370

Asymmetric Synthesis of Pochonin E andF, Revision of Their Proposed Structure, and Their Conversion to Potent Hsp90 Inhibitors
Chemistry - A European Journal
Dr. Ganesan Karthikeyan, Claudio Zambaldo, Dr. Sofia Barluenga, Dr. VincentZoete, Prof. Martin Karplus, Prof. Nicolas Winssinger, 
DOI: 10.1002/chem.201200546


CHARMM: The Energy Function and Its Parameterization
Standard Article
Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry
Alexander D. MacKerell, Bernard Brooks, Charles L. Brooks, Lennart Nilsson,Benoit Roux, Youngdo Won and Martin Karplus
DOI: 10.1002/0470845015.cfa007

您可以进入Wiley Online Library查看Karplus教授通过Wiley发表的所有学术成果。


二、Arieh Warshel

Arieh Warshel教授曾为Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology撰写关于计算机模拟生物分子的章节,并曾在Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics等期刊上发表文章。

Incorporation of inter- and intramolecular forces in the calculation of crystal packing and lattice vibrations

ActaCrystallographica SectionB
Volume 30, Issue 7, July 1974, Pages: 1822–1826, E. Huler and A. Warshel
DOI: 10.1107/S0567740874005875

Simulations of ion current in realistic models of ion channels: The KcsA potassium channel
Proteins: Structure,Function, and Bioinformatics
Volume 47, Issue 3, 15 May 2002, Pages: 265–280, A. Burykin, C. N. Schutz, J.Villá and A. Warshel
25 MAR 2002,
DOI: 10.1002/prot.10106

Multiscale simulations of protein landscapes: Using coarse-grained models as reference potentials to full explicit models
Proteins: Structure,Function, and Bioinformatics
Volume 78, Issue 5, April 2010, Pages: 1212–1227,
Benjamin M. Messer, Maite Roca, Zhen T. Chu, Spyridon Vicatos, Alexandra VardiKilshtain and Arieh Warshel
DOI: 10.1002/prot.22640

The empirical valence bond model: theory and applications
WIREs ComputationalMolecular Science 
Shina C. L. Kamerlin, Arieh Warshel
Published Online: Jan 21 2011
DOI: 10.1002/WCMS.10


Computer Simulation of Biological Molecules
Standard Article
Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology
Ariel Warshel
15 JAN 2002, 
DOI: 10.1002/047120918X.emb0298

The Empirical Valence Bond (EVB) Method
Standard Article
Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry 
Arieh Warshel and Jan Florián
15 MAY 2004,
DOI: 10.1002/0470845015.cu0002

您可以进入Wiley Online Library查看Warshel教授通过Wiley发表的所有学术成果。



三、Michael Levitt

Michael Levitt教授曾在期刊Journal of Computational ChemistryProtein Science上发表文章。

Computer graphics in real-time docking with energy calculation and minimization
Journal ofComputational Chemistry
Volume 6, Issue 5, October 1985, Pages: 432–436, N. Pattabiraman, M. Levitt, T.E. Ferrin and R. Langridge
DOI: 10.1002/jcc.540060510

Simulating the minimum core forhydrophobic collapse in globular proteins
Protein Science
Volume 6, Issue 12, December 1997, Pages: 2606–2616, Jerry Tsai, Mark Gersteinand Michael Levitt
DOI: 10.1002/pro.5560061212

Ab initio protein structure predictionusing a combined hierarchical approach
Proteins: Structure,Function, and Bioinformatics
Volume 37, Issue S3, 1999, Pages: 194–198, Ram Samudrala, Yu Xia, Enoch Huangand Michael Levitt
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0134(1999)37:3+<194::AID-PROT24>3.0.CO;2-F

Folding of Nucleic Acids
Ciba FoundationSymposium 7 - Polymerization in Biological Systems
G. E. W. Wolstenholme, Maeve O'Connor, Pages: 147–171, 2008
DOI: 10.1002/9780470719909.ch9

您可以进入Wiley Online Library查看Levitt教授通过Wiley发表的所有学术成果。

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