审稿人为什么会拒审呢?有经验的审稿人一般都比较忙,很认真的审稿人更收到越来越多的审稿邀请,让他们无暇顾及。在这种情况下,该如何提高审稿人应审的积极性呢?去年,Springer就如何激励审稿人的问题对近4万名同行评审专家进行了问卷调查,共收到5067份问卷回复。其中:审稿人比较认可的激励措施包括(见文后的图):1)向审稿人开放数据库中作者选定的期刊的权限;2)给作者开放数据库中作者选定的电子图书的权限;3)给审稿人开放审稿期刊的权限;4)获得免费电子图书;5)一定时间段的数据库使用权限;6)免费的印本图书;7)给予一定折扣的发表费减免;8)给审稿人发认证证书;9)在期刊网站致谢审稿人; 10)给审稿人一定的经济报酬。。。。
我们借鉴了Springer调查表中的内容,针对本刊的实际情况作了一些修改,并增加了“评选年度优秀审稿人”和“邀请优秀审稿人加入编委会”这两条。为了让邀请的审稿人了解这些,我们对在线稿件系统中的审稿邀请信进行了修改,在邀请信的末尾补充了Reward Reviewer的相关内容。对国内审稿人,我们会根据审稿质量给予200-300元/篇的审稿费。
以下是我刊Journal of Mountain Science的审稿邀请函:
Dear Dr/Prof. Wang:
Manuscript ID 15-XXXX entitled "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" has been submitted to the Journal of Mountain Science (JMS), a SCI-indexed international journal. JMS is sponsored by the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese of Academy of Sciences, and published by Springer.
I invite you to review this manuscript. The abstract appears at the end of this letter. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be able to accept my invitation to review. If you are unable to review at this time, I would appreciate you recommending another expert reviewer. You may e-mail me with your reply or click the appropriate link at the bottom of the page to automatically register your reply with our online manuscript submission and review system.
Once you accept my invitation to review this manuscript, you will be notified via e-mail about how to access ScholarOne Manuscripts, our online manuscript submission and review system. You will then have access to the manuscript and reviewer instructions in your Reviewer Center.
I realize that our expert reviewers greatly contribute to the high standards of the Journal, and I thank you for your present and/or future participation.
We subscribe to referee confidentiality rules. On the other hand, we are aware of the relatively common practice of handing a review onto someone else in the laboratory. If carried out correctly, this can in fact be an important part of training, but it should be reserved for experienced postdoctoral researchers. Thus, The JMS journal allows co-refereeing with one other senior member of a referee's laboratory as part of the mentoring process only if the primary referee has independently evaluated the manuscript and agrees with the report filed. For co-review, conflict of interest and confidentiality rules apply to both referees. In order to provide accountability and appropriate credit, we request that the name of the co-referee be documented to the editors. If an invited referee does not have the time to review, another member of the laboratory or institute can be recommended to the editors.
We provide the following types of reward to the reviewers:
1. Free access to the Journal for one year;
2. A copy of the digital journal of the current year;
3. Discount toward article processing charge (for Open Access article) or free of color figure charge;
4. Certificates of Recognition
5. "Outstanding reviewer certificate" will be awarded to excellent reviewers;
6. Online reviewer list in JMS web and the reviewer list in the digital journal of the last issue of current year;
7. being selected to join the editorial team.
Journal of Mountain Science