每一篇论文都是科研人员的心血,投稿后“漂泊”在外(under review),“老母亲”在家日夜惦念(wait…)。终有一天,它带着沉甸甸的“包裹”回来了 (reviewer comments),至于“包裹”里是惊喜还是惊吓,包藏着一段怎样艰辛的历程,我们又该如何对其“梳妆打扮”甚至“改头换面” (response to reviewers’ comments),送他“安全”返回 (revised submission) 并抵达终点 (accept) 呢……小编带你且看且分析。
Tip 1 端正个人态度
Tip 2 吃透反馈问题
(1) Reviewer#1, Concern # 1:
Add more refences to the literature when you talk about the pre-processing, feature extraction, machine learning, and deep learning methods. I suggest the following references.
① A.Alqudah, Ali Mohammad. “An enhanced method for real-time modelling of cardiac related
biosignals using Gaussian mixtures.” Journal of medical engineering & technology 41.8 (2017):
② B.Alqudah, Ali Mohammad, et al. “Developing of robust and high accurate ECG beat
classification by combining Gaussian mixtures and wavelets features.” Australasian physical &
engineering sciences in medicine 42.1 (2019): 149-157.
③ C.Alquran, H., et al. “ECG classification using higher order spectral estimation and deep learning techniques.” Neural Network World 29.4 (2019): 207-219.
(2) Reviewer#2, Concern # 2:
Literature improvement is still needed. Please compare your work with some recent work, e.g.,
① J. Huang, B. Chen, B. Yao and W. He, “ECG Arrhythmia Classification Using STFT-Based Spectrogram and Convolutional Neural Network,” in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 92871-92880, 2019.
② B. Hou, J. Yang, P. Wang and R. Yan, “LSTM-Based Auto-Encoder Model for ECG Arrhythmias Classification,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 1232-1240, April 2020.
In Sec. II.C, when “image classification, object detection, and image segmentation” are mentioned, please also cite some recent work like:
③ T. D. Pham, K. Wardell, A. Eklund and G. Salerud, “Classification of short time series in early Parkinsonʼ s disease with deep learning of fuzzy recurrence plots,” in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 1306-1317, November 2019.
2019. Y. Tian, X. Li, K. Wang and F. Wang, “Training and testing object detectors with virtual images,” in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 539-546, Mar. 2018.
(1) Reviewer#2, Concern # 2:
Author response:
We want to thank reviewer for constructive and insightful criticism and advice about the reference. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.(表示感谢)
The reference ① above proposed an ECG arrhythmia classification method using two-dimensional (2D) deep convolutional neural network (CNN). Using ECG recordings from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database as the training and testing data, the classification results show that the proposed 2D-CNN model can reach an averaged accuracy of 99.00%. Compare with our work, even though the performance metrics (accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity) of our paper are more comprehensive than the metrics (only accuracy) of ① the average accuracy from reference ① is better than our model result. And the deep learning method of STFT-Based Spectrogram provide a new idea in future work. (分析与比较)
The reference ② above introduced a novel deep learning approach that integrates a long short-term memory (LSTM)-based auto-encoder (AE) network with support vector machine (SVM) for electrocardiogram (ECG) arrhythmias classification. The proposed method achieved average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 99.45%, 98.63%, and 99.66%, respectively, in the beat-based cross-validation approach based on the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standards. The performance is superior to our model result (average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 98.00%, 96.17%, and 96.38%). We think the LSTM-based auto-encoder (AE) network is a positive strategy, which can effectively extract the characteristic information of time series signals. (分析与比较)
Hence, we supplement some recent work in Table 10. The comparative literature is comprehensive, which not only include literature of the machine learning method and deep learning method, but also the main work is the two or multi-classification of arrhythmia signal. And most literature also is recent years (2019 and 2020). (修改内容)
Meanwhile, we also add the recent literature like ③ and ④ above in Sec. II.C. when “image classification, object detection, and image segmentation” are mentioned. The classic literature and latest literature complement each other to make the reference literature more substantial and reasonable. (修改内容)
(1) Reviewer#3, Concern # 2:
In Section C. Machining Learning Methods, the authors mention many disadvantages of the reviewed methods, such as poor robustness, overfitting and bad performance in practical applications. Since many shortcomings have been mentioned, the authors are supposed to find a way to solve them. However, in the experimental part, it is not clear whether the proposed method can overcome the shortcomings mentioned in Page 4 (主要问题1). Only results with high performance metrics are presented. It makes the focus of this paper unclear (主要问题2). In my view, these shortcomings mentioned in Page 4 are common among existing machine learning methods. The authors are encouraged to dig deeper and conclude the disadvantages and challenges of existing methods for ECG signal detection and classification, and then propose your method and highlight its difference and superiority (修改意见1). In my view, the major contribution of this paper is the new design of a network architecture. The authors are encouraged to highlight this and compare with other related and similar networks (修改意见2).
(2) Reviewer#1, Concern # 1:
I do remember that I have reviewed this paper, and the current version is an improved version of that paper. I have also seen that the authors did a good job in improving the quality of paper, although I personally do not like the organization and format of the paper.
It also seems that the proposed method could not outperform the best results from the literature (主要问题1). But in my opinion, it is still worthwhile publishing this paper to let others know that this approach has already been tested and compared to other methods could achieve a relatively less accurate result.
Finally, I suggest that the authors improve the quality of their paper and avoid English problems (主要问题2), and if possible, shorten the paper, as it is quite lengthy (主要问题3).
上述审稿人的两个问题均涉及论文内容/写作问题,而且两个问题比较长,所以要分析提取出主要问题。问题(1)中涉及两个主要问题,主要问题(1)是实验部分没有清楚表明论文所提模型解决了Section C中文献综述所阐述的目前方法的缺陷;主要问题(2)是论文模型仅展示了非常好的性能,但是论文的焦点不是很清晰。这两个主要问题其实表述较为模糊,很难找到很好的切入口进行回复和并作出针对性的修改。但是,审稿人同时也给出两点修改意见。所以,针对这类问题,我们只需根据审稿人给出的两个修改方向进行修改即可。问题(2)中涉及了3个主要问题:论文模型性能并没有优于对比文献的所有参考文献(虽然审稿人表明模型性能不是最优,但论文仍有价值。我们依然要对这个问题进行回复)、论文英语语法需要修正和论文内容需删减。
(1) Reviewer#3, Concern # 2:
Author response:
Thank you very much for your careful review and constructive suggestions with regard to our manuscript. Meanwhile, I am also very grateful to you for the specific modification strategy. (表示感谢) I have made comprehensive and detailed changes according to your suggestions. On one hand, we dig deeper and conclude the disadvantages and challenges of existing methods in section II. On the other hand, we also highlight the proposed model’s difference and superiority and compare with other related and similar networks. Below is our point-by-point modification to the referee’s suggestions.
(1) The disadvantages and challenges of existing methods for ECG signal detection and classification. (问题剖析)
Broadly speaking, the fundamental disadvantages and challenges of existing machine learning methods for ECG signal detection and classification are that hand-crafted extracted feature not only greatly affects the accuracy of the algorithm, but also consumes a lot of calculation time and cost. The deep convolutional neural network is essentially realized by stacking automatic encoders. Considerable feature representational power effectively reveals unknown abstract features of input signals. It can achieve self-learning through end-to-end model design. Meanwhile, the radical problem of both methods is that they only focus on how to propose a better model, but do not pay attention to data processing issues: such as data denoising, data augmentation, and multi-scale data training and testing. The data preprocessing of signals should be focus on because signals and images are different data types.
Hence, in this work, a more accurate and robust method based on deep learning is proposed to identify five different types of arrhythmia signals. The proposed model not only pays attention to the superiority of model design but also presents the importance of data processing in this paper. The final results also prove that the application of ECG signal classification using the convolutional neural network is reliable. The deep learning architecture outperforms the hand-crafted feature extractors assembled by machine learning models in terms of classification accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and confusion matrix.
(2) The contributions of this work and model’s superiority are as follows: (问题剖析)
① We propose an end-to-end plain-CNN architecture and two MSF-CNN architectures (A and B) to replace additional hand-crafted feature extraction, selection, and classification using machine learning methods. The plain-CNN is a baseline model, the MSF-CNN A and B are implemented on this baseline. Thus, it significantly enhances the performance against recent state-of-the-art studies. The best model MSF-CNN architecture B achieves an average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 98.00%, 96.17%, and 96.38%, respectively. This illustrates the method with residual learning and group convolution blocks has a profound effect on the feature learning of the model. The results of ablation experiments show that our proposed biometric recognition and diagnosis network with residual learning (MSF-CNN B) achieves a rapid and reliable diagnosis approach on ECG signal classification, which has the potential for introduction into clinical practice as an excellent tool for aiding cardiologists in reading ECG heartbeat signals. (分层回答)
② Moreover, the signal processing problems are fully considered. We first design multi-scale input signals, including 251 samples (named set A) and 361 samples (named set B). This design can improve the generalization ability of the model by extracting multi-scale signal features. Then, the signal denoising and data augmentation also are implemented in this paper. (分层回答)
③ In addition, we present six sets of detailed ablation experiments on ECG signal classification and achieve excellent performance metrics. Our residual learning network with group convolution (including parallel and concatenation group convolutional block) can easily achieve accuracy gains from greatly increased depth, producing results substantially better than the plain-CNN and MSF-CNN A. It also demonstrates deep learning can be leveraged as feature learning mechanisms to classify biomedical signals. (分层回答)
④ In particular, we compare the results from our model to recent state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, detailed analysis and comparison are presented in this paper. (分层回答)
Finally, in this manuscript, we replace some old references with the recent methods published in 2019 and 2020 in Table 10. Meanwhile, we have also done a full comparison and analysis.
(2) Reviewer#1, Concern # 1:
Author response:
We would like to thank the reviewer for their thoughtful review of our manuscript (表示感谢). According to the reviewer’s comments, I think that the reviewer has no serious problems about this manuscript. There are three problems that require minor edits. The first minor problem is that the proposed method could not outperform the best results from the literature. The second minor problem is that the English expression needs to be improve. And the last minor problem is that the paper needs to be shorten if possible.
(1) The first minor problem is that the proposed method could not outperform the best results from the literature. (问题剖析)
In [62], the performance is superior to our models’ result (average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 98.00%, 96.17%, and 96.38%). We think the LSTM-based auto-encoder (AE) network [62] is a positive strategy, which can effectively extract the characteristic information of time series signals. Most importantly, the method in [62] is the key point worthy of our study in future work. We will fully consider the optimization methods of [62] in our future work.
Compared with [62], our research mainly has the following differences:
First, compared with the LSTM-based auto-encoder network in [62], our model is more lightweight and less computationally expensive. The LSTM is a bidirectional model, which is utilized to extract the bidirectional information from the forward model (operating from t0, t1, …, to tn.) and backward model (operating from tn, tn-1, …, to t0.) at the same time. There is no doubt that the advantage will also cost a lot of computational expensive. (分层回答)
Second, in recent years, the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) is two popular deep learning methods to process the time series data. Both methods have their own advantages. The LSTM is a recurrent neural network that has an input layer, two hidden layers, and an output layer. The hidden layers are a memory block included three gate mechanisms called input gate, forget gate, and output gate. These gate mechanisms control the amount of information and the extraction of features. (分层回答)
In additional, [62] is also the latest reference published in 2020 that I added in the last revision. The reason why I cite this paper with better performance index is we think the auto-encode network based on LSTM is a positive idea. Our paper has gone through a long review process, during which the associate editor and reviewer have been changed. Compared with [62], the performance advantage is really not obvious. Hence, we will try to propose a lightweight model based on LSTM to deal with this problem in future work. (分层回答)
(2) The second minor problem is that the English expression needs to be improve. (问题剖析)
We tried our best to improve the expression of grammar, typos and professional representation of this manuscript and made many changes in the manuscript. And we also leverage 3rd party service for language polishing. we take great care to revise the grammars, typos and professional representation of our manuscript.
(3) And the last minor problem is that the paper needs to be shorten if possible. (问题剖析)
This paper has been reviewed by many reviewers, and a lot of contents have been added to the original text according to the requirements of the reviewers. Therefore, many revisions of this paper lead to the final paper being too long. In this manuscript, we also deleted some content appropriately as soon as possible. In section II. Related work, we deleted the detailed description about the references’ contents on the basis of retaining relevant research references. In section III and VI, we also deleted inessential contents. (修改内容)
(1) AE’s comment, Concern # 1:
Also, finding optimal parameters to ensure the network performance is important by using advanced intelligent optimization methods, e.g.,
① J. J. Wang and T. Kumbasar, “Parameter optimization of interval Type-2 fuzzy neural networks based on PSO and BBBC methods,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 247−257, Jan. 2019 and S. Gao, et al.,
② “Dendritic neuron model with effective learning algorithms for classification, approximation and prediction,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 30(2), pp. 601 - 614, Feb. 2019. I would suggest the authors to treat it as future work.
(2) Reviewer#2, Concern # 3:
In [63] and few others, the accuracy is better in others’ work. The authors need to discuss where their work stands with other works on 5-class classification problem.
(1) AE’s comment, Concern # 1:
Author response:
Thanks a lot for the AE’s comments about the parameter optimization. In this paper, we adopt some effective parameter optimization methods. (表示感谢)
First, back-propagation algorithm. In this paper, we proposed three convolutional neural networks. The parameters update of the models mainly rely on the back-propagation algorithm. The gradient is backed to the shallow layers of network so that implement the update of weight and bias. (分层回答)
In addition, in the experiment, the L2 norm of the model parameters (equation (1)) is implemented to optimize gradient and relieve overfitting. Specifically, the threshold is set to 0.5 to stabilize the training process.

is the loss function with L2 regularization and
is the cross-entropy loss function from equation (9).
denotes a penalty factor, which is to balance the goal of achieving better training results and keeping smaller parameter values. Thus, the regularization can avoid overfitting effectively by narrowing down all the parameters.
describes the weight of
layers. (分层回答)
As mentioned in reference ① above, in this paper, interval type-2 fuzzy neural networks (IT2FNNs) is the hybridization of interval type-2 fuzzy systems (IT2FSs) and neural networks (NNs). Big bang-big crunch (BBBC) optimization and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are applied in the parameter optimization for Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) type IT2 FNNs. The employment of the BBBC and PSO strategies can eliminate the need of backpropagation computation. The computing problem is converted to a simple feed forward IT2 FNNs learning. The adoption of the BBBC or the PSO will not only simplify the design of the IT2 FNNs but will also increase identification accuracy when compared with present methods. (分析与比较)
In reference ② above, in this paper, these problems, such as the hard understanding problem, the slow and difficult training problems, and the difficulty to scale them up, motivate us to develop a new dendritic neuron model (DNM) by considering the nonlinearity of synapses, not only for a better understanding of a biological neuronal system, but also for providing a more useful method for solving practical problems. To achieve its better performance for solving problems, six learning algorithms including biogeography-based optimization, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, ant colony optimization, evolutionary strategy, and population-based incremental learning are for the first time used to train it. The best combination of its user-defined parameters has been systemically investigated by using the Taguchi’s experimental design method. (分析与比较)
In the future, we will implement the parameter optimization methods mentioned above to achieve its better performance.
At last, in this manuscript, we found many grammatical and representational errors in the paper. Hence, we invite a 3rd party service for language polishing before resubmitting. The grammar and expression have been greatly improved in this paper. We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript, which we wish to be considered for publication in IEEE Access. I carefully revised all the questions given by two reviewers. Meanwhile, we have made detailed response in the supplemental files. (分层回答)
(2) Reviewer#2, Concern # 3:
Author response:
We would like to thank the reviewer for your thoughtful review of our manuscript. Indeed, in [62] (The [63] in last manuscript is renamed as [62] in this manuscript), the performance (average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 99.45%, 98.63%, and 99.66%) is superior to our models’ result (average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 98.00%, 96.17%, and 96.38%). We think the LSTM-based auto-encoder (AE) network used in [62] is a positive strategy, which can effectively extract the characteristic information of time series signals. We will fully consider the optimization methods of this paper [62] in our future work.
Compared with [62], our research mainly has the following differences:
First, compared with the LSTM-based auto-encoder network in [62], our model is more lightweight and less computationally expensive. The LSTM is a bidirectional model, which is utilized to extract the bidirectional information from the forward model (operating from t0, t1, …, to tn.) and backward model (operating from tn, tn-1, …, to t0.) at the same time. There is no doubt that the advantage will also cost a lot of computational expensive. (分层回答)
Second, in recent years, the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and RNN (Recurrent Neural Network, LSTM is a replacement of the traditional RNN) is two popular deep learning methods to process the time series data. Both methods have their own advantages. The LSTM is a recurrent neural network that has an input layer, two hidden layers, and an output layer. The hidden layers are a memory block included three gate mechanisms called input gate, forget gate, and output gate. These gate mechanisms control the amount of information and the extraction of features. (分层回答)
Third, it also seems that the proposed method could not outperform the best results from the literature. But in my opinion, compared with most of performance results in Table [9], the results of our paper is advantageous, and it is still worthwhile publishing this paper to let others know that this approach has already been tested and compared to other methods could achieve a relatively less accurate result. Most importantly, the method in [62] is the key point worthy of our study in future work. (分层回答)
In additional, [62] is also the latest reference published in 2020 that I added in the last revision. The reason why I cite this paper with better performance index is we think the auto-encode network based on LSTM is a positive idea. Our paper has gone through a long review process, during which the associate editor and reviewer have been changed. Compared with [62], the performance advantage is really not obvious. Hence, we will try to propose a lightweight model based on LSTM to deal with this problem in future work. (分层回答)
Tip 3 分析回复思路
Tip 4整合回复语言
(1) Reviewer#1, Concern # 2: 列出每位审稿人的每条comments
In Table 10, the authors compare their work with others’ work. But do others’ work have same experiment conditions, e.g., dataset and classes?
(2) Author response: 对审稿人的comments进行个人陈述
We want to thank reviewer for constructive and insightful criticism and advice about the Table 9 (Table 4 is deleted in this manuscript, and the Table 10 is named as Table 9) (表示感谢). We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.(分点阐述)
First, we readjusted the contents of Table 9 and supplemented the column of database and main work. In Table 9, we listed the 12 related papers including publication time, main work, database, main approach, and performances (accuracy, sensitivity, specificity). These papers were published in 2019 and 2020 and represented the latest research results. And the main work is the classification of arrhythmia signals. It's just that the number of categories in some papers is different. The used database mainly includes MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and Chinese Cardiovascular Disease Database, of which most studies use MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. This is consistent with our research paper. The main methods used in this comparative literature are machine learning and deep learning, which is mainly to compare the final performance of the two methods.
Second, we also fully analyzed the similarities and differences between the research from others’ work listed in Table 9 and our research in this paper in section V. C. (performance comparison and discussion). The main research work of these references listed in Table 9 is to detect and classify arrhythmia signals. Almost all studies use the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database except reference [53], [56] and [60]. However, the different databases have little impact on the final analysis. Because the original data from two databases need to pre-processing, such as wave detection, normalization, signal segmentation, and signal annotation (This work was completed by experts of the database publishers in the early stage).
In additional, we mainly summarized the research literature on the use of machine learning and deep learning methods, which is to analyze the advantages of deep learning method.
(3) Author action: 简要说明具体的修改方法与具体位置
We firstly updated the manuscript by readjusting the contents in Table 9 and supplementing the column of database and main work in Table 9. In additional, we also fully analyzed the similarities and differences between the research from others’ work listed in Table 9 and our research in section V. C. All the corrections were highlighted using a yellow highlight tool within the new pdf file.