接下来为大家介绍Cancer Nursing,Journal of Nursing Research和Journal of Clinical Nursing这三本期刊的特殊要求。
1. Cancer Nursing
2022年IF (2023 JCR报告):2.6
发表周期:6 issues/year
Aims and scope
Each bimonthly issue of Cancer Nursing addresses the whole spectrum of problems arising in the care and support of cancer patients--prevention and early detection, geriatric and pediatric cancer nursing, medical and surgical oncology, ambulatory care, nutritional support, psychosocial aspects of cancer, patient responses to all treatment modalities, and specific nursing interventions. The journal offers unparalleled coverage of cancer care delivery practices worldwide, as well as groundbreaking research findings and their practical applications.
Original Research Study, Express Review, Literature Review, Position Statement.
1) 对Title Page的展现形式要求比较严格,要求:a. 作者姓名(含最高学历)应以分号分隔,并且最后两个名字之间没有"and",Title Page中不得使用脚注。b. 作者单位后加上对应该单位作者的头衔及姓氏,如果所有作者都是一个单位,则不需要在单位后加上作者姓氏。c. 指定通讯作者需要用"Correspondence:"。d. 关于利益冲突声明,如果没有基金支持及利益冲突,需要用"The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose." 如果有基金支持,则利益冲突声明需要用"The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose."
Title Page:
Author names (with academic degrees) should be separated by semicolons; no "and" between final two names. No footnotes are to be used on the title page. Example: Harry A. Smith, MD; Jennifer B. Gross, PhD; David. E. Craig, RN Author Affiliations Prefaced by "Author Affiliations:" authors' institutions and their locations provided; authors' last names presented parenthetically following their respective institutions; if all authors are at the same institution, no last names in parentheses needed. Provide titles (Dr) or social titles (Mr, Ms). Example: Author Affiliations: Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland (Drs Smith and Gross); and Department of Dermatology, University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium (Mr Craig). Corresponding Author Set after author affiliations; prefaced by "Correspondence:" Example: Correspondence: Harry A. Smith, MD, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, PO Box 123, Baltimore, MD 12222 ( Conflicts of Interest: Please state any conflicts of interests for each author. If there are none, please include the following statement: "The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose." Otherwise, please disclose the funding and include the statement: "The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose."
2) 要求摘要不能放在正文中,需要单独上传,并且摘要最后需包含Implications for Practice部分。
Abstract: The Abstract is attached as a Word document during the submission process. Please use the following format for all abstracts; ALL SIX SUBHEADINGS ARE REQUIRED:
Background: 1 to 3 statements describing existing knowledge and significance of study
Objective: 1 to 3 statements regarding study aims
Interventions/Methods: 1 to 3 statements describing intervention or data collection methods
Results: 1 to 3 statements about sample and findings
Conclusions: 2 to 3 statements about how findings can be interpreted
Implications for Practice: 2 to 3 statements regarding how one or more study findings can be translated into clinical care or practice. Identify both dated information that needs to be released and information that is confirmed or new.
3) 要求摘要和正文需要用标准的Letter大小的纸张(8.50 x 11 inches)。
The text of your abstract and manuscript body must be formatted as standard letter size paper (8.50 x 11 inches).
4) 要求文稿需要在右上角添加页码。
All manuscript pages must be numbered consecutively in the upper right corner (text and references).
5) 该杂志采用双盲审稿形式,文稿中可以识别的作者及其单位信息需要用黑色高亮形式隐藏。
Insert the blinded information into the manuscript text, but highlight over it in black so it remains invisible to reviewers.
6) 要求表头中每个主要单词的首字母均需要大写,文稿中P值的小数前不能加零。
Table titles should be set in title case (the first letter of each major word in the titles should be capitalized). No zero should be used before the decimal in P values, neither in the tables nor in the text of the manuscript body. Example: P = .05
2. Journal of Nursing Research
2022年IF (2023 JCR报告):2.7
发表周期:6 issues/year
Aims and scope
As an SCI- and SSCI-indexed journal, Journal of Nursing Research (JNR) has seen its influence on international nursing society grow in its rising readership and growing submissions base. To enhance international knowledge dissemination and interactions, JNR has operated as an open-access, article-processing-charge-free academic journal since 2019. Through multifaceted efforts and rigorous review, JNR today has a proven impact, with a readership spanning nearly 200 countries. The success of JNR is also shown in its growing number of JNR citations in the literature. JNR is continuing to grow and improve and is expected to be one of the top journals contributing to nursing science and the healthcare system in the next decade.
Original Research, Brief Reports.
Please modify the title, the APA recommended length for a title is no more than 12 words (Without Prepositions).
2)要求提供作者最高学历,作者职位并注明作者是否持有作者所在国的注册护士执照 (RN)。
Please provide highest graduated academic qualification degree (For example: PhD, DNS, EdD, MSc, MSN…etc)
Please provide current professional position in the title page. (For example, Doctoral Student, Nurse, Professor, Director, Head nurse…etc)
Please indicate if author holds author country's registered Nurse license (RN)
Please provide author contribution as like:
Study conception and design: AX, BY
Data collection: CZ
Data analysis and interpretation: AX, BY
Drafting of the article: AX, BY, CZ
Critical revision of the article: DW
4)对参考文献要求比较严格,要求:a. original articles参考文献不超过40条,meta-analysis articles参考文献不超过50条。b. 引用的文献中至少一半在最近5年内,至少5篇文献在最近三年内。c. 支持一个观点的文献不能超过3条。 d. 参考文献如是非英文文献需要补充发表文献国家,如Original work published in Chinese. e. 引用少于1/4的非英语文献。作者:美捷登Kristen,转载请联系授权并显著标明来源美捷登。
Articles referred to in the manuscript should be fully cited, with at least half of references to articles dated within the last five years, and at least five references dated within the last three years preferred. No more than three references should be used to support a single idea. The number of references should not exceed 40 citations for original articles and 50 citations for meta-analysis articles. If a cited reference is in languages other than English, the addendum should be placed at the end of the reference. For example: "(Original work published in Chinese)". Suggest to cite less than 1/4 non-English reference preferred since it may affect academic quality of the journal.
Tables and figures together should be kept to no more than 5.
3. Journal of Clinical Nursing ISSN:0962-1067
2022年IF (2023 JCR报告):4.2
发表周期:24 issues/year
Aims and scope
The Journal of Clinical Nursing disseminates developments and advances relevant to all spheres of nursing practice. Covering all areas of nursing - community, geriatric, mental health, pediatric – this international nursing journal promotes idea sharing between different cultures to provide a rich insight into nursing intervention and models of service delivery worldwide.
Research Articles, Protocol, Review Articles, Research Methodology Paper, Discursive Paper, Position Paper, Policy Analysis, Brief Report, Commentary, Letter to The Editor, Editorial.
What does this paper contribute to the wider global clinical community?: Include one to three bullet points.
2)正文需要按如下结构准备,比较特殊的是 Introduction和Methods部分之间需要有单独的Background和The Study部分。一般Introduction部分是比较大的背景介绍,Background部分是研究的这个具体问题的相关介绍。The Study部分需要写明文章的目的。
1. Introduction 2. Background 3. The Study
· Aim(s), Objective, Research Question/Hypotheses
· Technical Terminology Used to Describe the Aim(s) (if any)
· Primary, Secondary, or Other Objectives (if applicable)
4. Methods/Methodology
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
3)要求根据研究类型完成相应的EQUATOR checklist,文件命名需要用supplementary file(如Supplementary File 1),并且在正文中相应引用。
If you are submitting any manuscript other than a Discursive Paper, Editorial or Letter to the Editor, and are therefore providing a completed EQUATOR checklist with your submission, ensure that the file name indicates that it is a supplementary file (e.g., Supplementary File 1.docx), for the reference of our Production team. also check that your completed checklist includes the page numbers on which each item has been addressed. Submissions not conforming to these requirements will be returned to you for amendment prior to being sent for review.