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这位哥们(Karl Granström)的论文成果很是丰硕(有质有量),东西做的也很不错,所谓,博文论文够长度也够深度。





Whenever I get my hands on a thesis, there are two things that I always read: the

dedication and the acknowledgments. There, in the middle of the objective, and

often dry, academic writing lies the only chance to get a glimpse of the authors

personality, a glimpse of the living and breathing human being behind the theories

and the hypotheses, behind the theorems and the proofs. I shall therefore

try to seize this opportunity, and make an attempt to show you my personality –

especially my sense of humor – as I give my thanks to the persons to whom my

thanks are due. However, please do not make yourself the illusion that I do not

take this seriously. What is written below, is written with the utmost respect for

all those that are mentioned.

With that said, in the interest of letting first things be first, I will start at the

beginning. This thesis, and the research that it contains, is a product of my time

at the Automatic Control group at Linköping University. If you should ever find

yourself in Linköping, you may wish to visit the central library. Built in 2000,

after a fire ravaged the old library in 1996, it features large glass windows that

offer great views of Linköping Cathedral, and it boast in excess of 359604 booktitles.

On one of the many shelves you can find Jack Kerouac’s On the road, a

story in which the main character claims to have

nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.

While I would like to hope that I had something more than just my confusion to

offer during those first months as a member of Automatic Control, I will gladly

admit that starting a voyage towards a PhD-thesis indeed can be confusing.

In ironing out the worst kinks in my sheet of confusion, I received tremendous

help from my supervisor Dr Thomas Schön. Thomas made sure that I understood

the importance of structure, be it for a paper, a presentation, undergraduate

teaching, or just for planning which graduate courses to take, and when to

take them. He always served as a great source of enthusiasm and encouragement,

and during the last parts of my PhD studies he was gracious enough to let me

venture off in my own research direction.

Fortunately, on my continued path I found myself not alone, but under the guidance

and patient support of Dr Umut Orguner. Had he not been there to straighten

my steps, I probably would have

looked like a crab scurrying across the sand looking for bacon.

Our collaboration has been most fruitful, and it has been very inspiring for me to

be part of it. I am forever indebted to Umut for all the knowledge and wisdom he

has bestowed upon me. I have enjoyed all our discussions, and I truly hope that

we will continue to write papers together.

If Thomas andUmut are to thank for helping me survive these four years, Dr Fabio

Ramos and Dr Juan Nieto are to thank for making me believe that I could pull

it all together. I may have left Sweden thinking that I was just going to write a

Master’s thesis, but thanks to them I came back from Australia with my mind set

on writing a PhD thesis. It has been a while since we last saw each other, but I

hope our paths will cross again soon, so that we once again can enjoy the finer

pleasures of academic life: the exquisite wines, the delicious barbeques, and the

late night karaoke.

My days with Automatic Control would not have been, had it not been for the job

offer I received from Prof Lennart Ljung and Prof Fredrik Gustafsson. I may have

hesitated for a moment before accepting it, but once I joined the group I never

looked back. Fredrik is the epicenter of the vibrant a bustling Sensor Fusion

group, which I am proud to be part of. Lennart stood at the helm of Automatic

Control for some thirty years, and managed to create a very impressive research

environment before handing over the ship to Prof Svante Gunnarsson. Svante

may have had big shoes to fill, but he filled them with an ease and elegance that

is second to none. The only thing I could never quite understand is why he,

towards the end of Mjärdevistafetten 2011, took that

fateful, pear shaped, left turn.

But then again, I am hardly in the position to question the judgment of a winner

of the teaching award Gyllene Moroten. However, I am in the position to extend

my sincere gratitude to Automatic Control’s secretaries Ulla Salaneck, Åsa

Karmelind and Ninna Stensgård, who have made sure that the administrative

machinery has run without interruption.

This thesis was written using the thesis template constructed by TEX-gurus-atlarge,

Dr Gustaf Hendeby and Dr Henrik Tidefelt. Thanks to their meticulous

attention to detail, the process of writing became smooth as silk. The thesis

was proofread by Thomas, Umut, Fredrik, Dr Christian Lundquist and Lic Jonas

Callmer, who all contributed with invaluable comments. Any and all remaining

errors are – naturally – mine.

Jeffrey Bernard, a British causeur famous for the exhortation

aim low – and miss,

ended his days on earth by ingesting a toxic amount of bananas, an event he referred

to as a banana split. In his obituary – written by none other than himself –

he professed to having developed a fantasy that, starting tomorrow, things would

finally take a turn for the better. Thinking that a geographical relocation would

solve his problems, he longed for various dream cottages on the countryside. The

experience was always ruined when he found himself living at the same location.

Personally, I have never longed for dream cottages – my grandmother already

owns one on the Swedish west coast – but I have longed for dream colleagues. At

Automatic Control in Linköping I found them, and I have enjoyed every day I

have spent with them. I can only hope that their experience was not ruined when

they found myself working at the same location.

Dr Christian Lundquist was kind enough to let me tag along as his phd-train left

the station, a journey I have never regretted being part of. Our collaboration has

always be inspiring to me, and I have always appreciated his constructive and

invigorating critique of my work. It seems that lately the writing of two certain

PhD theses has halted our forward motion. However, I am confident that we will

pick up speed soon enough, provided that I do not stop completely to barrage

him with another assortment of sill-related jokes.

One of my closest friends, Lic Jonas Callmer, has been along for the ride ever

since we, in between spending time on Sydney’s beaches and drinking free beer

at The Gaff, managed to write a Master’s thesis. I always enjoy our discussions, regardless

of whether they are about serious politics, or about office related gossip.

Alas, I never did understand his interest in getting fit by kicking other men in the

balls, but then again, a great friendship is only strengthened by differences.

Lic Morgan Skoglund, First Lord Protector of the Order of the Rävhjälm, has always

been there to remind me that it is time for coffee, or time for cross-country skiing,

or time for our lunchtime 5K run, or simply time to head to the lab so that all

the microphones can be hung – not like horses – but from the ceiling. No matter

what we do, with Martin it always is, and always has been, a good time.

When I first started working at Automatic Control, there was this tall guy talking

loudly in the fika-room. Often, as I walked back to my office after finishing my

coffee, I could not help but wonder,

Wha’ happen’!?!

To tell you the truth, I still do not know, but I do know this: Lic Zoran Sjanic is

not only tall and loud, he is also super-hilarious and fun, and above all he is a

great friend. I can always trust Zoran when I want to have a bit of fun, regardless

of whether we are in Linköping, on the Balkans, or in some godforsaken corner

of the globe.

The travelling-banana-salesman-and-monkey-dompteur, Lic André Carvalho Bittencourt,

was an awesome travel companion for two weeks in Taiwan. I feel very

fortunate that I had the chance to get to know him, and I hope he is not too sad

about the fact that I turned out to be the most handsome one of us.

If there is anyone you can trust when it is time to round up the troops for a pub

crawl, it is Automatic Control’s resident BBQ-connoisseur, Lic Sina Khoshfetrat

Pakazad. He has a most infectious laughter, he always serves copious amounts of

delicious meat, and he has absolutely despicable taste in movies.

As one goes through life, one meets an innumerable number of persons. Sometimes

these encounters are like two ships, steaming past each other on a stormy

ocean, to the sound of thunder and lightning. Other times the encounters are

more like

två gistna ekor, guppandes förbi varandra på en försurad

sjö i Småland, till ljudet av storlommens lockrop.


The siren call of a black-throated loon?! What is it? Well, it’s a chirp signal with

logarithmically increasing frequency, but that’s not important right now.

What is important, are all the friends that I have met on my path through life.

This path has stretched over my childhood in Enebyberg, via a year as a foreign

exchange student in Cottage Grove, to what has become a decade in Linköping,

with a brief caesura for a years worth of surfing in New Zealand. You are far too

many to mention, and far too important to forget. I hold the memories of the fun

times we have had very dear, and I smile at the thought of all the fun that is yet

to come.

Of all the gifts I received as a child, the finest onemust be to have the best possible

siblings I could have ever wanted. Together, Emma, Erik and I have made kajsor

av godisnappar, fished for crab at the campingbryggan, snorklat in the poolen, and

helped each other avoid temptation to

the greatest of the cardinal sins: landkrabberi.

By all means, measures, metrics and standards, it has been very fun, and I’m

certain it will continue to be so.

In a letter to Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton expressed that “If I have seen further

it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants.” Blessed with my grandfathers height,

one might think that I do not need shoulders, or anything at all for that matter,

to stand on. Nevertheless, my parents have provided me with all the shoulders I

have ever needed to see far. With love and care they have instilled in me a feeling

of being capable of anything that I set my mind to. They have supported me in

wet and dry, they have celebrated my accomplishments, and they have accepted

my mistakes. För allt ni har gjort, och allt ni har betytt – tack!

Last but not least, I wish to acknowledge the financial support that I have received

from the Linnaeus research environment cadics and the frame project

grant Extended Target Tracking (621-2010-4301), both funded by the Swedish

Research Council, and from the project Collaborative Unmanned Aircraft Systems

(cuas), funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (ssf).

Linköping, October 2012

Karl Granström

Ladies and gentlemen!

The tall man with the glasses,

has now left the patio!




再仔细看,有个有趣的发现,这哥们绝大多数的论文发表都不是跟他的导师(Thomas Schon),而是跟另一个研究人员(U. Orguner.).仅仅在开始的两年跟导师发了几篇会议,而后来绝大多数的文章都没有跟导师合作发表。在感谢中,他也说了:


他的导师 always served as a great source of enthusiasm and encouragement,

and during the last parts of my PhD studies he was gracious enough to let me

venture off in my own research direction.

Fortunately, on my continued path I found myself not alone, but under the guidance and patient support of Dr Umut Orguner. Had he not been there to straighten my steps, I probably would have looked like a crab scurrying across the sand looking for bacon.

Our collaboration has been most fruitful, and..............



The following papers, listed in reverse chronological order, have been published:

K. Granström, C. Lundquist, and U. Orguner. Extended Target Tracking

using a Gaussian Mixture PHD filter. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace

and Electronic Systems, 2012.

K. Granström and U. Orguner. A PHD filter for tracking multiple

extended targets using random matrices. IEEE Transactions on Signal

Processing, 2012a. doi: 10.1109/TSP.2012.2212888.

K. Granström and U. Orguner. On the Reduction of Gaussian inverse

Wishart mixtures. In Proceedings of the International Conference

on Information Fusion (FUSION), pages 2162–2169, Singapore, July


K. Granström and U. Orguner. Estimation and Maintenance of Measurement

Rates for Multiple Extended Target Tracking. In Proceedings

of the International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION),

pages 2170–2176, Singapore, July 2012c.

K. Granström, C. Lundquist, F. Gustafsson, and U. Orguner. On extended

target tracking using PHD filters. In Workshop on Stochastic

Geometry in SLAM at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and

Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, May 2012.

K. Granström, T. B. Schön, J. I. Nieto, and F. T. Ramos. Learning to

close loops from range data. The International Journal of Robotics

Research, 30(14):1728–1754, December 2011.

U. Orguner, C. Lundquist, and K. Granström. Extended Target Tracking

with a Cardinalized Probability Hypothesis Density Filter. In Proceedings

of the International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION),

pages 65–72, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2011.

C. Lundquist, K. Granström, and U. Orguner. Estimating the shape

of targets with a PHD filter. In Proceedings of the International Conference

on Information Fusion (FUSION), pages 49–56, Chicago, IL,

USA, July 2011a.

K. Granström, C. Lundquist, and U. Orguner. Tracking Rectangular

and Elliptical Extended Targets Using Laser Measurements. In Proceedings

of the International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION),

pages 592–599, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2011.

K. Granström and T. B. Schön. Learning to Close the Loop from 3D

Point Clouds. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference

on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 2089–2095,

Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010.

K. Granström, C. Lundquist, and U. Orguner. A Gaussian Mixture

PHD filter for Extended Target Tracking. In Proceedings of the International

Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Edinburgh,

UK, July 2010.

K. Granström, J. Callmer, F. T. Ramos, and J. I. Nieto. Learning to

Detect Loop Closure from Range Data. In Proceedings of the IEEE

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages

15–22, Kobe, Japan, May 2009.

J. Callmer, K. Granström, J. I. Nieto, and F. T. Ramos. Tree ofWords for

Visual Loop Closure Detection in Urban SLAM. In Proceedings of the

Australian Conference on Robotics & Automation (ACRA), Canberra,

Australia, December 2008.

C. Lundquist, K. Granström, and U. Orguner. An extended target

CPHD filter and a gamma Gaussian inverse Wishart implementation.

Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2012a.

K. Granström and U. Orguner. On Spawning and Combination of Extended/

Group Targets Modeled with Random Matrices. IEEE Transactions

on Signal Processing, 2012e.


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