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工科学术英语写作学习之语言简洁 [学术英语写作]
作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2013年06月28

 学术英语的撰写在要求语体正式外,还必须做到语言简洁 (Conciseness),即用最少的词汇传达尽最多的信息,这似乎是一对矛盾,但它的确是语言简洁的最好定义。

Because of the fact that motion pictures are playing an increasingly important role in our multimedia environments, the focus of this paper is put to video sequences as multimedia resources.


Because motion pictures are playing an increasingly important role in our multimedia environments, this paper focuses on video sequences as multimedia resources.




1 空洞的短语 (Empty phrase)

are in agreement with →agree with
at the present time →now
fewer in number →fewer
with the exception of →except

2 冗余词语 (Redundancy)

yellow in colour →yellow
small in size →small
cooperate together →cooperate
end result →result

3 不必要的重复 (Repetition)

A standardized approach is not always broadly effective. A standardized approachis only broadly effective if analytes perform well on both sets of analytical conditions.

A standardized approach is only broadly effective if analytes perform well on both sets of analytical conditions.

4 不够直接的句子结构 (Indirect structures)

There are many problems that need to be addressed.
Many problems need to be addressed.

It is important that these cases are carefully documented.
These cases should be carefully documented.

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