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投稿Journal of Mountain Science 后什么时候能够知道结果?
作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2013年09月22

 How long can a new submission have first decision?
This is really a difficult question to answer.
The manuscript handling procedure is follows:
1. Manuscript submission -- MS ID will be immediately sent to to the corresponding authors by the machine after the submission;
2.Anti-plagiarism checking (within one day)-- MS with high similarity index with previously published papers will be directly rejected;
3. Format and quality checking (one day)-- disqualified manuscript will be rejected within two days; 
4. Scientific edtior initial review (4 days)-- MS that hasn't passed initial review will be rejected; those that have passed initial review will be sent out for peer-review;
5. Peer-review (21 days to 2 months)-- We suggest the peer-reviewers to finish the review within 21 days but if no suitable peer-reviewers are available, this review process may be longer than one month.
6. First decision--Editors will make recommendation according to the peer-reviewers' comments. There are four recommendations: accept, major revision, minor revision, reject. Manuscript that needs major revision will be sent to the reviewers for further checking after the authors make revision.

In order to hasten the manuscript handling process, we suggest the authors to follow the following steps:
1. Read carefully the Guide to Authors of the JMS and prepare your manuscripts by strictly following the guidelines;
2. Make clear and pleasing figures; 
3. Language is sound.

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