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CSSCI CSCD SSCI 《工程索引》(EI) SCI(科学引文索引) 参考文献格式国家标准 2014中文核心期刊目录 论文信誉排行
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作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2013年12月26

 目前为止,较有说服力的期刊排名标准是AIS。根据JCR的官方说明,ArticleInfluence Score作如下解释:The Article Influence determinesthe average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years afterpublication。也就是说,一个期刊的AIS是指这个期刊上的文章在其发表5年内的平均影响力。另外,AIS比5-yearimpact factor更具说服力;例如,Operations Research 的5-year impact factor不见得能排进前5,但AIS仍是超高的,这代表Operations Research 是个极具影响力的期刊(这当然是废话)。

PS: 具体参见JCR的官方说明:http://adminapps.webofknowledge.com/JCR/help/heigenfact.htm


1. Management Science (AIS=2.508)


2. Mathematical Programming (1.997)


3. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management(1.895)

   这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,文章的深度与MS差不多。也许独创性方面不如MS,相信算作A+期刊是稍有争议的。但是本文的特点就是看AIS数据来排名,不带感情色彩滴,管理科学与运筹学(MS/OR)国际期刊最新权威排名。

4. Journal of Operations Management (1.892)


5. Operations Research (1.832)


6. Mathematics of Operations Research (1.573)



7. Transportation Science (1.421)


8. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (1.407)


9. Production and Operations Management (1.187)


10. Omega--international journal of management science (1.168)


11. Computational Optimization and Applications (1.064)


12. INFORMS Journal on Computing (1.055)


13. Journal of Quality Technology (1.037)


14. System and Control Letters (0.976)



15. Computers & Operations Research (0.965)

   MS/OR领域权威期刊,接受很多细分领域(如库存,物流,城市规划,交通,投资策略等等)的文章,偏向数值分析(因为COR这个期刊,我还相对比较了解,而且 System and ControlLetters 是自动化与控制领域的顶级期刊之一,所以我把A类期刊和B+期刊的分水岭设在这。)

16. OR Spectrum (0.965)


17. IIE Transactions (0.935)


18. European Journal of Operational Research (0.927)

   MS/OR领域权威期刊,几乎接受MS/OR各个细分领域的文章,方法上偏数学和数值仿真。其实这个期刊算是很好的,欧洲很多学校都视为A类。但是这个期刊的特点是:一年出版的文章数量达400-500篇 (也有几年出现600-700篇的情况),所以难免出现良莠不齐的情况。这个期刊有点像国内的综合类大学,什么科系都有,而且各个科系都还不错(但也都不算顶级)。另外,国内比较看重这个期刊!

19. Naval Research Logistics (0.919)


20. Journal of Scheduling (0.894)


21. Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review (0.865)

   交通领域权威期刊。文章接收率比Transportation ResearchPart B 高太多了。

22. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (0.860)


23. Networks (0.818)


24. Journal of Global Optimization (0.807)


25. TOP(0.783)


26. Networks and Spatial Economics (0.777)


27. Annals of Operations Research (0.774)


28. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (0.765)


29. Queueing Systems (0.744)


30. Operations Research Letters (0.713)


31. International Journal of Production Economics (0.711)


32. Discrete Optimalization (0.682)


33. Decision Support System (0.677)



34. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (0.668)

35. Journal of the Operational Research Society (0.650)


36. Optimization Letters(0.646)

37. Interfaces(0.595)

37. Optimization and Engineering (0.595)

39. Technovation (0.584)


40. Probability in the Engineering and InformationalSciences (0.566)

41. Optimization Methods & Software (0.553)

42. Optimization (0.531)

43. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (0.526)

44. Safety Science (0.517)

45. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry(0.515)

46. Expert Systems with Applications (0.467)


47. International Journal of Systems Science (0.441)

48. Optimal Control Applications and Methods (0.434)

49. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization(0.395)

50. Engineering Optimalization (0.395)

51. International Journal of Production Research (0.384)



1. Decision Sciences应该排在A类期刊,但是这个期刊应算作为Management/MIS领域。MIS领域的其他期刊就不说了。

2. C&IE应该排在B类期刊。

3. IEEE on Engineering Management应该排在B类期刊。

4. 还有与MS/OR“相邻”领域的其他权威期刊,如MarketingScience(虽是marketing领域,如能发表,定是A+)。

附:最新排名(JCR 2013 edition)

排名按AIS(Article Influence Score)标准,PS: 个人觉得更贴近MS/OR领域的期刊用红色标出。


1.  ManagementScience

2.  Journal ofOperations Management

3.  MathematicalProgramming

4.  Manufacturing& Service Operations Management

5.  OperationsResearch

6.  Mathematics ofOperations Research


7.  TransportationScience

8.  TransportationResearch Part B

9.  INFORMSJournal on Computing

10. Production and Operations Management


11. Transportation Research Part E

12. Omega

13. System and Control Letters

14. Computers & Operations Research  

15. Computational Optimization and Applications

16. European Journal of Operational Research

17. OR Spectrum

18. Journal of Scheduling

19. Naval Research Logistics

20. Reliability Engineering & System Safety

21. Decision Support System

22. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

23. IIE Transactions

24. Journal of Global Optimization

25. Optimization Letters

26. Journal of Quality Technology

27. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

28. Discrete Optimalization

29. Optimization Methods & Software

30. Networks

31. Optimization and Engineering

32. Networks and Spatial Economics

33. Technovation

34. Annals of Operations Research

35. International Journal of Production Economics


36. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

37. TOP

38. Operations Research Letters

40. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research

41. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making

42. Journal of the Operational Research Society

43. Safety Science

44. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

45. Interfaces

46. Expert Systems with Applications

47. Queueing Systems

48. Optimization

49. Probability in the Engineering and InformationalSciences

50. IEEE Systems Journal

51. Engineering Optimalization

52. European Journal of Industrial Engineering

53. International Journal of Systems Science

54. International Journal of Production Research

第二个排名按5-year IF的标准:


1.  Journal ofOperations Management

2.  TransportationResearch Part B

3.  Omega

4.  Technovation

5.  ManagementScience

6.  DecisionSupport System

7.  TransportationResearch Part E

8.  TransportationScience

9.  InternationalJournal of Production Economics

10. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

11. European Journal of Operational Research

12. Operations Research

13. Reliability Engineering & System Safety

14. Computers & Operations Research  

15. Mathematical Programming

16. Expert Systems with Applications

17. Production and Operations Management

18. System and Control Letters

19. OR Spectrum

20. INFORMS Journal on Computing

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