Cover letter是在投稿的时候写给编辑的信,里面需要简要说明一下这篇文章创新点在什么地方。由于编辑在审稿过程是有比较大的决定权的。即使审稿人有什么偏见,编辑也是有可能扳得过来的。所以要是能有机会说服编辑或者让编辑对文章产生一个好印象,甚至是有比较强的倾向性的话,那会是很大的帮助。这个重要的使命就交给coverletter了。刚写cover letter那阵,也是盯着屏幕,很久也憋不出一句话,后来是导师的帮助下做了一个固定模板,使用至今。如下所示:
<journal name>
Mr./Dr. <author name>
Dear editor,
We would like to submit themanuscript entitled "<the title of the manuscript>”,which we wish to be considered for publication in<journal name>.
第一句,介绍所研究的东西的背景以及重要性。However, 这里引出现在研究的一些不足的地方,等于就是要引出你文章的创新点了。In this paper, We represent 文章的最有价值的部分,或者得到了什么重要的结果。This method will be very useful in the furtherresearch on 所在的研究方向.
Thank you very much for yourconsidering our manuscript for potential publication. I'm looking forward to hearingfrom you soon.
Best wishes.
Yours Sincerely,
<journal name>
Mr./Dr. <author name>
Reference:Manuscript ID <ID number>
Dear Editor,
Thank you very much forarranging the review and commenting on our paper, “<thetitle of the manuscript>". We are also very grateful to thereviewers for their very helpful comments.
We have carefully changed ourmanuscript according to the comments made by the reviewers. The detailedchanges are listed in a separate response letter and the revised parts in ourmanuscript are highlighted in red color.
We enclose a re-submittedrevised manuscript, accompanied by this cover letter and a separate responseletter.
Yours sincerely,