Overcoming Procrastination – 7 Tips to Get Yourself Going
翻译: 邱敦莲

Figuring out why peopleprocrastinate is simple, it’s figuring out how to get over it that’s difficult.Overcoming procrastination is at the top of many people’s lists for betteringthemselves. If you keep procrastination to a minimum you’ll lead a productiveand efficient and likely happy life. Who wouldn’t want this for themselves?
In order to stop procrastinating now, consider the followingprocrastination tips:
1. Deal with Your Stress. Many people find themselvesprocrastinating because they lead stressful lives. You can solve many problemsby dealing with your stress in a healthy way. Start getting enough sleep. Takeplenty of time to relax. Ask for help when you need it. Find something thatworks for you.
2. Seta Schedule. It may help you to get a day planner orother type of scheduling plan. Not having a set schedule is one of the mainreasons why people procrastinate. It’s easy to forget to do something, or toavoid doing something if you’re not holding yourself responsible at the end ofthe day. Look at your schedule throughout the day and make sure that you stickto it.
* Another tip to remember is to set attainable goals foryourself. If you try to cram too much into one day, your body and mind willfight it with procrastination. Also, make sure you schedule in time for you torelax too.
3. Break your Tasks Apart. Sometimes you’ll find yourselfprocrastinating because the task at hand seems too large. An example would becleaning out your garage. You may have boxes everywhere and just the thought ofgoing in there is too daunting. In this situation you should tell yourself thatyou’re going to sort through one or two boxes per day. Before you know it thejob will be done little by little.
4. Take Breaks. When you’re on the journey to overcomingprocrastination, you must learn how to take breaks. If you push yourself toohard, you may eventually burn out. After you accomplish each small task, giveyourself some time to yourself. Don’t be tempted to take breaks that are toolong. If you are tempted then make sure that you time yourself.
5. DoIt Now. When it comes to the little things, take on the “do it now” mentality. Allthose little things can add up to some serious stress if you continue toprocrastinate. This just means if you get a bill in the mail, go online and payit. If you find something out of place around the house, put it away. Stopallowing yourself to save things for later.
6. Give Yourself a Firm Deadline. When you have oneparticular task that you must accomplish, don’t leave anything up in the air.Give yourself a firm deadline that you must adhere to in the end. If you end upwasting time at the beginning, you’ll be hurting as the deadline approaches. Ifthis happens to you, maybe that’ll be just the push you need to start stayingon top of things.
7. Get Someone to Hold You Accountable. It’s easy to feelalone with your problems, but when it comes to overcoming procrastination thereare probably many people that can offer you their assistance. Maybe you have afriend that also has a problem with procrastination and you can start to checkup on each other. When you have a particular thing that you need to accomplish,have someone check up on you during certain intervals. It’s definitely a goodway to hold yourself accountable in the end.