学生基本都会有这样的困惑:论文开头怎么写?一般老师都希望学生在开头综述一下别人做什么事情,交代清楚为什么我们要做这个事情,为什么这个东西是重要的。所以我们经常看到很多论文的Introduction都很长,比如1– 2页,我还见过4页的,尽管不是常有。而有些人多喜欢用下面的格式:
A做了什么东西,证明什么。 B做了什么东西,证明什么。C做了什么东西,证明什么。D做了什么东西,证明了什么。E做了什么东西,证明了什么。。。。。Z做了什么东西,证明了什么。
第一个例子:D. Gammon, E. S. Snow, B. V. Shanabrook, D. S.Katzer, and D. Park,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76,3005 (1996).
In this Letter we describe thepolarization dependence of the optical spectra of single naturallyformed GaAs quantum dots. Most previous optical studies of quantumdots (QDs) have probed large ensembles which have led toinhomogeneous broadening of the spectral features. However, recentlyseveral groups have shown that it is possible to study single QDswith photoluminescence (PL) either by reducing the size of thesample, [1] by cathodoluminescence [2,3], or by reducing the size ofthe laser spot on the sample through microscopic [4,5] or opticalnear-field techniques [6]. Here we use a similar technique whereby we combine highspatial and spectral resolution optics with excitation spectroscopyto study in detail the spectrum of a single QD [7].
这是一个非常好的写法,因为它可以把别人的工作穿插在自己的工作中,从而让文章混然一体, 这是我最喜欢的写作格式。受到这篇论文的启发,我有一篇文章也是如此开头的,效果不错。MingGong, WeiweiZhang, GuangCan Guo, LixinHe,APL,99, 231106 (2011).
第二个例子:FrankWilczek,Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 250402 (2013).
Recently there has been considerableinterest in the possibility of spontaneous breaking of timetranslation symmetry \tau [1]- [5]. Here I bring in ideas fromsuperfluidity which offer additional perspectives and widen thepossibilities significantly.
第三个例子: Jonatan Janmark, DavidA. Meyer, Thomas G. Wong, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 210502 (2014).
While Grover’s algorithm wasoriginally proposed as a digital, or discrete-time, algorithm [1],Farhi and Gutmann formulated it as an equivalent analog, orcontinuous time, algorithm [2]. We use Childs and Goldstone’snotation and interpretation of this algorithm [3] as a quantumrandomly walking particle on the complete graph of N vertices, anexample of which is shown in Fig. 1.