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CSSCI CSCD SSCI 《工程索引》(EI) SCI(科学引文索引) 参考文献格式国家标准 2014中文核心期刊目录 论文信誉排行
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作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2014年07月03

 摘      要
Freedom, as a principal condition of realizing scientific innovation, is a basic right of scientists engaged in the scientific activity. Striving for freedom is the most important scientific quality of the scientists and constitutes the basic spirit of science. Therefore, freedom in scientific activity is a major and decisive factor that governments have to face when formulating scientific policies. There have long been disputes with regard to the freedom of scientists among policy framers who find it difficult to choose between the political needs and the scientific value. No consensus has been achieved even among scientists themselves. After World War II, especially since the 1990s, with the influence of science and technology on social progress increasingly apparent, more and more emphasis has been placed on the significance of original and independent innovation on national development, and national objectives have gradually been introduced into basic research. It follows that national needs must be taken into consideration first in the selection of direction for basic research. Against this background, the study of the scientists’ individual freedom becomes important and urgent. To define the nature of the scientists’ freedom and explore related issues is therefore of both great academic significance and strong practical relevance.
Scientists’ individual freedom is dialectic unification of intrinsic freedom and external freedom with the former as the basis and the latter as the condition for its realization. Furthermore, intrinsic freedom is the source and an indispensable part of scientific creation and the scientists’ independent consciousness and independent personality; external freedom is the scientists’ political and economic right to seek truth and disseminate knowledge and constitutes the social environment for scientific activity. Intrinsic freedom and the external freedom are mutually dependent and restrictive. Without the former, scientific activity becomes soulless; without the latter, freedom becomes an abstract existence. And it is also a historical category and changes forever with dynamic changes in modes of scientific activity.
From its ancient germination to the middle of the 19th century, scientific research was pursued as an extracurricular activity and all scientists were amateurs engaged in scientific activities mainly out of personal hobbies. Their freedom, characterized by the pursuit of truth, was at this stage a kind of “unconditioned freedom”, freedom unfettered by any external conditions and driven mainly by internal intentions. Their free pursuit of pure knowledge served as a protection of the autonomy of science and a guarantee for their independent personality and also as a prerequisite for scientific creation. But when engaged in merely as a personal hobby and without substantial yet necessary support, the scientists’ freedom became something that only a few scientists could afford.
Since the middle of the 19th century, professionalism occurred in scientific research and scientists became professionals, which provided the scientific activity with economic and political guarantees and brought about changes in operational modes in scientific activity. Scientists began to make a living of scientific research and their earlier personal interests were replaced by collective and consorted labor. Their freedom at this stage could be called “professional freedom”, or in other words, their rights after accomplishing the given tasks, and hence, “conditioned freedom.” Standing in opposition to “unconditioned freedom,” “conditioned freedom” secured external freedom in terms of power and rights, but only at the expense of losing room for individual development of the scientists and their sense of social responsibility. “Conditioned freedom” can be further divided into weak conditioned freedom and strong conditioned freedom. From the middle of the 19th century till the beginning of World War II, professionalism occurred mainly in military and industry research. In order to obtain the right to engage in scientific research, scientists had to cater to the governments’ or enterprises’ utility needs, become their employees, and are requested to conduct appointed research. Small-scale research was seriously neglected and depended largely on personal foundations and social charitable organizations for the minimum funds. Still, out of their personal interests in free research, a few scientists could manage to maintain a critical voice towards social issues. The freedom that they enjoyed at this period is weak conditioned freedom. After World War II, with the social functions of basic research becoming increasingly understood, most national governments began to emphasize basic research as an important national resource and national programming occurred in scientific research. Accordingly, all the branches of scientific research came under the control of national programming. With the end of the cold war and the transformation of international situations, national objectives have been introduced into basic research and governments have come to control the direction, modes and applications of scientific research through various regulations and programs. In short, the principle of utility on the part of national governments has dominated the scene. Scientists’ freedom at this stage is called strong conditioned freedom in which their personal interests were strictly conditioned, and their critical spirit was seriously undermined in the course of the ideological, industrial and localizing transformation of scientific research. The innate autonomy of scientific research has been lost to a large extent.
As the manifestation of international competition has been become more and more apparent in the comprehensive national strengths, especially in innovative capability, and the value of physical culture and spiritual culture will be simultaneously stressed inevitably, the integration of national objectives and freedom of research has become a necessary and certain trend internationally. The protection of scientists’ freedom and entrepreneurship has become the prerequisite of the realization of national objectives. In such a situation, scientists’ individual freedom should essentially be a kind of “responsibility freedom”which stipulates that scientists should have a good sense of their social responsibility that is to integrate their social responsibility into their free research and combine the search for truth with a due sense of social concern. Responsibility freedom, as individual freedom in the light of national objectives, would on one hand discard the negative and isolative elements of “unconditioned freedom” and critically retain its core of “research for the purpose of seeking truth” and thereby combine the pursuit of truth with the satisfaction of national future needs. On the other hand, it overcomes the deficiency of subordination to the will of power and transforms the externally designed and passive social responsibility into an initiative pursuit on the part of scientists. Therefore, sense of social responsibility and the pursuit of truth have been intrinsically integrated and the dialogic unification of external freedom and internal freedom has been achieved. Accordingly, scientists’ individual freedom, after the process of a complete double negation, has evolved from unconditioned freedom, to professional freedom, and to responsibility freedom and has ultimately been improved to a new realm. The realization of responsibility freedom includes ambilateral responsibilities, and has two points of meanings: one is the responsibility of the state to protect the rights of scientists and to promote the development of science; another is the responsibility of scientists to pursue the scientific truth and to the society.
Realization of responsibility freedom is of special and urgent significance in China. On one hand, spiritual incentive mechanisms should be employed to encourage scientists to actively and organically combine personal interests with the satisfaction of national needs so as to make original contributions to the society. On the other hand, the governments should provide economical safeguards for the scientists, encourage free exploration, guarantee academic democracy and tolerate failures in research and establish reasonable measures of evaluation so as to effectively prevent academic corruption. The overpowering of bureaucratic institutions must be properly dealt with in the following three ways: Firstly, the input from the governments should be strengthened, and social funds should be encouraged to enter basic research so as to establish a multiple funding pattern of research. Secondly, a congenial atmosphere should be established so as to encourage the flexible movement of human and financial resources. Thirdly, the transformation of authoritarian evaluation dominated largely by political powers into an autonomous evaluation of the scientific community should be quickened so as to lessen bureaucratic interventions and contribute to the scientific development, and to change the bureaucratic interventions into the lead of big aim and big direction, to put the government right on the position of offering service to the development of science, to realize the change from the system of “big government, small society” to “small government, big society” in the administration of scientific research.
The innovation of this dissertation lies in the following aspects:
First, it elucidates the nature of the scientists’ individual freedom.
Second, it proposes the three stages of the scientists’ individual freedom, namely unconditioned freedom--Professional freedom--Responsibility freedom, and its transformation through the process of a complete double negation.
Third, it points out that the scientists’ individual freedom in the light of the national objective should be responsibility freedom, a conception of freedom that should be endorsed by present-day scientists.
Fourth, the realization of responsibility freedom includes ambilateral responsibilities, and has two points of meanings: one is the responsibility of the state to protect the rights of scientists and to promote the development of science; another is the responsibility of scientists to pursue the scientific truth and to the society.  
Keywords: Scientist; National objectives; Unconditioned freedom; Professional freedom; Responsibility freedom

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