我们选取了中英双语期刊作为样本,这种抽样思路来源于“双胞胎数据(twins data)”。双胞胎数据是劳动经济学领域常用的抽样方法,这种方法可以排除基因、受教育水平、经济水平等多种因素的干扰。比较中英双语期刊上的中文和英文论文,可以排除期刊水平(影响因子)、刊物主办单位、刊物编委会等因素对中英文论文的影响。然后,比较中文论文和英文论文分别在中文论文/英文论文中的影响力,也比较了这些中英文期刊在Scopus和Web of Science两个数据库中的不同表现。
论文发表在Journal of Informetrics(SSCI收录),这项研究获得ISTIC-ELSEVIER期刊评价中心资助。http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1751157714000844#
Chinese-language articles are not biased in citations: Evidences from Chinese-English bilingual journals in Scopus and Web of Science
This paper examined the citation impact of Chinese- and English-language articles in Chinese-English bilingual journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). Two findings were obtained from comparative analysis: (1) Chinese-language articles were not biased in citations compared with English-language articles, since they received a large number of citations from Chinese scientists; (2) a Chinese-language community was found in Scopus, in which Chinese-language articles mainly received citations from Chinese-language articles, but it was not found in WoS whose coverage of Chinese-language articles is only one-tenth of Scopus. The findings suggest some implications for academic evaluation of journals including Chinese-language articles in Scopus and WoS.