How to draft a research hypothesis orresearch opening report?
My first chatter is about researchhypothesis (rationale, justification of a given study, or opening report inChinese), which is the first step for us to conduct high impact research.
If you have had a right and feasiblehypothesis, your research could be more than half way done. It seems very sillyto discuss it since we are all "scientists" by training.
It is true that during our training, we asstudents usually spend months and months of time to search literature andprepare or write a review in the field before performing any real experiments.We all know that the research hypothesis is sole important and directly determinesour research impact.
But often time, we do ignore the importanceof research rationale before and during experiments, data collection andsummary, or manuscript preparation.
For biomedical research, we can propose ourresearch hypothesis in the following ways, which doesn't matter whether you area basic, translational, or clinic researcher:
1) Focus on the risk factor-mediated genealterations. For example, lung cancer is associated with tobacco smoke; thus,we may hypothesize tobacco carcinogen-caused gene alterations (gene mutations,methylation, and other epigenetic changes);
2) Gene pathway-related gene alterations,e.g., p53 isoften mutated in lung cancer; how about the role of the p53 up- ordown-streamgenes in lung cancer progression;
3) Mechanism of gene or drug action inaparticular disease or organ site. For example, a gene is mutated or adrugworked well in a disease, so we will rationalize how and why. This kind ofstudy specifically suits for GWAS data to provide hypothesis for further studyof a particular gene in a given disease.
Taking home message is whatever we like todo needs a justification. In other words, we will rationalize why we perform astudy and what implication we will expect to be reached in a given study.
But we will not rationalize that
"A gene was abnormally expressed inone cancer but its expression is unknown in another cancer; thus, we performedthis study";
or "A gene plays an important role inregulation of apoptosis in a cancer, but it is unknown whether this gene alsoplays a role in another cancer; thus, we performed the current study";
or "A gene is mutated in a cancer;thus, we assessed this gene mutation in another cancer".
These rationales were wrongly proposedbecause different diseases or cancers have the own risk factor, etiology, andpathogenesis. We can't just fish something for "novelty".