“The latencies to withdrawal from a painful stimulus in control and transgenic mice were 3 s and 2 s, respectively”。
在这句里,“对照组小鼠的缩足反射潜伏期是3秒,而转基因小鼠则是2秒。”如果我们描述的对象不是“withdrawal from a painful stimulus”,而是较短的词或词组(如“average weights”),就不必使用“respectively”;
“Control mice weighed 20±3 g and transgenic mice weighed 17±2 g”要比“Control mice and transgenic mice weighed 20±3 g and 17±2 g, respectively”好,因为后者多了一个额外的词。
因此,下面这个句子是不正确的,也无从理解:“The latencies to withdrawal from 5 g and 10 g painful stimuli in control and transgenic mice were 3 s and 2 s, respectively”。
“The proportions of monocytes positive for CD163, CD7 and CD11a were 45%, 63% and 70%, respectively” (用了“respectively”一词后,读者就能清楚地理解这3个百分比指代的是按相同次序排列的3个标记物)