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[转载]撰写审稿意见回复信response tothe comments模板
作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2017年02月05

Tags:论文信誉排行网 代写论文 论文代写 代发论文 论文代发 学术不端 毕业答辩
 收到专家审稿意见之后,除按照审稿专家意见认真修改之外最为重要的工作就是撰写审稿意见回复信,即撰写response to the comments。以下为*** response tothe comments模板,供参考。


Dear Editor/reviewer                                                  Jan. 4, 2016

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Ms. Ref. No.:


Enclosed is the revised version of thepaper entitled “    ”. We appreciate thevery useful commentsfrom the reviewers. We agree with these suggestions andhave revised themanuscript accordingly. Below is our response to their commentsresulting in anumber of clarifications.







Reviewer 1:

Comment 1:

(1) The writing of the paper needsimprovement with the assistance of English editing.

Response: Thank you for your suggestions.According to your advice, this manuscript was edited for proper Englishlanguage, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and overall style by one or more ofthe highly qualified native English speaking editors at NativeEE. The NativeEECompany specializes in editing and proofreading scientific manuscripts forsubmission to peer-reviewed journals.


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