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A. Togain more insight, we conducted several X-ray, NMR, and electrochemical studies.(Acc. Chem. Res. 2015, 48, 2813−2821)
B. Tofurther confirm that phosphorylation of AMPA-R in hippocampal slices wascatalyzed by CaM-KII,GluR1 was expressed in HEK-293 cells with or withoutCaM-KII. (Science 1997, 276, 2042-2045)
C.In order to trace this dynamic development,it is our goal in this Letter,to describe the changes in the properties of such high efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2(CIGS) solar cells. (Phys. Stat. Sol.(RRL), 2015, 9: 28–31.)
D. Togain/achieve a better understanding of how the immune system responds toMPDL3280A, the levels of the IL-18 immunostimulatory cytokine and IFN-γ,whichis stimulated by IL-18, were examined over several cycles. (Nature 2014, 515,558–562 )
E.To further explore this concept, we provide an example, where patient Aunderwent radical prostatectomy with undetectable postoperative serum PSA in2005. (Nature Reviews Urology 2017, 14,193–194)
F.In order to deeply investigate the aggregation properties in this range ofconcentrations, we studied these condary structure of these peptide derivativesby CD and FTIR spectroscopies.(Sci Rep. 2016, 6:26638.)
A. Concerning/Asto adsorbed thiolates onthe (100) surfaces of all these metals, the DFTcalculations reveal that they exhibit a better stability than the respective(111) faces in terms of γ,as shown in the corresponding Tables. (RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 27730-27754)
B. It should be noted that the additiveswere not evaluated with regard topossible influence on reactivity or stability to the reaction conditions.(Nature Chemistry 2013, 5, 597–601)
C. In the following, we will use this asymptotic notation also when referring to the dimer plasmonsfor small separations,although the dimer plasmons in that case containcontributions from all angularmomenta. (Nano Letters, 2004, 4,899–903)
D. Conversely, information regarding the magnetoelectriccoefficients based on electrical or optical experiments can aid thedetermination of magnetic point group symmetries.
E. The arrival of nanomaterials gavelithium-ion batteries a new lease of life and provided benefits in terms of capacity, power, cost andmaterials sustainability that are still far from being fully exploited. (Nature2008, 451, 652-657)
F. The dominance of the Auger effect in nanocrystal QDs also implies thateven relatively poorly passivated samples could behave as well as the bestsamples when it comes to gain andstimulated emission, because as long as trapping rates are lower than Augerrates, the twoe-h pair lifetime is determined by the intrinsic Auger decay.(Science 2000, 290, 314-317)
However,nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, in contrast, yet, even so, but
A. Nevertheless,because the Auger time scale is substantially faster than surface trapping inthese dots, both types of samples showed similar gain properties. ( Science2000, 290, 314-317)
B. The existence of optical gain, however, does not guarantee thedevelopment of stimulated emission. ( Science 2000, 290, 314-317)
C. Evenso, the anions may be helping topre-organise 4, or the Hofmeister anioneffects may be the only effects. (Nature Chemistry 2009, 1, 403 - 408)
A. Because the ellipsometric data give aHS-ssDNA film thickness of approximately 20% of the expected maximum thickness,we conclude that the HS-ssDNAmonolayer is not a tightly packed monolayer, and that the DNA chains are notoriented perpendicular to the surface.(J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1997, 119 (38),8916–8920)
B. The behavior of the correlationcoefficient makes us conclude that alinear relationship between interaction energy and the charge density at thebond critical point is still valid for multiple-bond critical points. (J. Phys.Chem.1995,99,9747-9754)
C. Onthe basis of these results we concluded that compartment A is more closelyassociated with open, accessible, actively transcribed chromatin. (Science2009,326,289-293)
可变形为:On the basis of our findings, it can be concluded that…
或者:Fromthe results we have obtained, one can conclude that...
D. The very low energy thresholds lead us to conclude that semiconductingpolymers comprise a class of promising laser materials. (Science 1996,273,1883)
E. Our findings lead us to conclude that thevoltage-sensor paddles operate somewhat like hydrophobic cations attached tolevers, enabling the membraneelectric field to open and close the pore. (Nature2003, 423, 42-48)
A.Giventhe observed increase of about 10%,the expected increase of PDI is about 40%, takinginto accountthe increased duration of events. (Nature 2005,436, 686-688)
B. Takingthe above observations into account, weconclude that PAB (eq. 10),calculated with the localized spinorbitals that maximize Na, defines a covalentbond order between theatoms
A and B in the Lewis (resonance) structuredescribed by this particularset of localized spin orbitals. (J. Am.Chem. Soc.1991, 113, 4142-4145)
C. Giventhat only aryl enones have reduction potentials sufficientlypositive toaccept an electron from the photogenerated Ru(bpy)3+ reductant,aryl enone 6 canbe selectively reduced in the presence of alkyl enone 7 to form thenucleophilic radicalanion intermediate. (Nat. Chem.2010, 2, 527–532)
D. Consideringthat the zincion, the deprotonated ligand 1 and bridging oxo oxygen havecharges of +2, -1 and -2, respectively, we need two additional positive chargesper [Zn3(μ3-O)(1-H)6]2-unit for overall neutrality. (Nature 2000, 404, 982-986)
A. A transparent and rigorous approach,however,can almost always shine a lighton issues of reproducibility. (Science, 2014, 346, 679)
B. Toshed light on theevolution of qualitative pheromone alterations, we studiedsex pheromones inthe wasp genus Nasonia, an emerging model system forinvestigating thegenetics of speciation and complex traits. (Nature 2013,494,345–348)
C. In this regard, what is requested tomaterial chemists is to make clear therelationships among chemical structure,quantum chemical simulation, physicalproperties and device performances.(J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1,1699-1707)
D. In order to clarify the possible reasons for the higherphotocatalytic as wellas photoelectric properties of Ag3PO4 cubes than spherical particles, thesurface structures andatomic configurations of Ag3PO4 {100} planes have beenfurther studied. (Chem. Commun., 2012, 48,3748-3750)