To the Graduate Admissions Department at [University/Program]:
To the Graduate Admissions Department at [University/Program]:
It is my pleasure to recommend Jane Doe for admission to [Name of Program] at [University]. I am an associate professor of [Subject] at [University]. I came to know Jane while teaching her in [Course] . The course comprised [short description of course]. Jane distinguished herself by submitting an exceptionally well researched and interesting project on [project]. She is one of the very best students that I have taught in the past five years in respect of her writing ability and research skills.
Overall, Jane is highly intelligent and has good problem-solving skills. Her [project] demonstrated her ability to come a detailed understanding of [details about coursework] the lifestyles of pre-historic hominids, and to analyze the consequences of those practices on evolution. She gave a particularly interesting discussion of the difficult practice of tool-shaping and a profound engagement with the use and the implications of these tools. Her overall intelligence is also reflected in her grades for the course, which were among the highest in the class.
Jane has excellent communication skills. Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as interesting to read. She demonstrated her oral articulateness in the discussion sections that were an integral part of the course. Each discussion section focused on a particular aspect of Olduvian Gorge hominids. Students were required analyze unsolved questions and to develop and defend their own theories. Jane was highly proficient in applying the course material in analyzing these “puzzles.” She always explained her views very concisely and gave supporting arguments that were both clear and persuasive. Jane also demonstrated good teamwork skills in group assignments.
At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality. Throughout the course, Jane demonstrated great perseverance and initiative. Not only was she interested in and motivated to learn the material, but she also put great work into assimilating it to her own experience and developing her own ideas about each topic that we discussed.
Jane is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study in [Program applying for]. Jane’s work in [Academic Course/Department] suggests that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study. She has proven herself to have the perseverance, initiative, and intellectual creativity necessary to complete an advanced graduate degree. I would therefore highly recommend Jane Doe. If her performance in my class is a good indication of how she would perform as a graduate student, she would be an extremely positive asset to your program.
If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
[sender’s signature]
[sender’s Name and Title]