所以冠词是必须保留的。 你或许又会想,可能需要删减整个句子。 事实上,段落占据的篇幅更多,有没有可以删减的段落呢?
1. 寻找冗余表述
“When I was in college at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where I studied journalism and biology, one of the most memorable classes I took was in magazine editing.”
“When I was studying journalism at the University of Missouri-Columbia, one of the most memorable classes I took was in magazine editing.”
同时“and biology”也被删除了,尽管这部分内容不是多余的,但它与编辑杂志的课程无关。修改后的版本少了六个单词。
2. 删除 v 开头的单词
每当我们想要使用 v 开头的词时(very),我们不如使用某个 d 开头的词(一个可能更熟悉的反义词)。 例如:
This grammar tip has been very useful.
This grammar tip has been damn useful.
一种观点是,“a useful grammar tip” 和“a very useful one”这两句话之间的区别并不明显,所以我们应该去掉“very”。 虽然在某些情况下,“very ”是有意使用的,但通常去掉后也不会引起注意。
3. 删除其他没有发挥作用的单词
“How to reduce your word count without reducing your content”
我们发现your (出现两次)这个词在标题中并没有太多意义。于是果断删除。
4. 寻找介词
有介词出现的句型通常可以进行精简。介词 of 是最明显的标志,但其他介词,如 to 和 for,也可以进行调整。例如,“plasma levels of lipids” 可以变成“ lipid plasma levels”,“evaluation of eQTLs”可以变成“eQTL evaluation”,“ resistance to insulin”可以变成“insulin resistance”。
请注意,并非所有的介词都适合精简。例如,如果跟在 of 后面的不止一个单词,而我们把它变成一个形容词(替代介词后面的名词),那么我们就需要用连字符连接。有时候,这是可以的,但有时候会显得不合适,例如:用“mouse-model use”替代“use of mouse models”。在这种情况下,就需要你做出正确的判断。
5. 留意多词短语
I realized that the word your (twice) didn't add a whole lot to the meaning of the title. (18个单词)
其中“a whole lot ”可以用一个单词来代替,于是改为:
I realized that the word your (twice) didn't add much to the title's meaning. (14个单词)
请注意,根据上文提到的技巧,我们还可将“the meaning of the title” 改为“the title's meaning”。不论你是否喜欢这种简练的风格,这都为如何灵活运用个人判断提供了一个很好的例子。
6. 注意以“what ”和 “there”作为主语的句子
当 what 或 there 充当主语时,句子通常可以简化。这里有几个例子:
原文:What has been harder to identify are sequences that are missing from the human reference genome. (15个单词)
修改版:Sequences that are missing from the human reference genome have been harder to identify. (14个单词)
原文:There are some regulatory factors that can be passed between cells. (11个单词)
修改版:Some regulatory factors can be passed between cells. (8个单词)
7. 寻找被动语态
进一步修正版: Some regulatory factors can pass between cells. (7个单词)
原文:The matching target was visually fixated by the monkeys. (9个单词)
修正版:The monkeys visually fixated the matching target. (7个单词)
原文:Factors influencing task difficulty are processed preferentially by systems responsible for calculating motivation and reward anticipation. (16个单词)
修正版: Systems responsible for calculating motivation and reward anticipation preferentially process factors influencing task difficulty. (14个单词)