论文标题只有寥寥数字,但却是论文最核心的要素。 要用最恰当简明的词语搭配反映论文最重要的内容。
标题是期刊编辑、审稿人和读者看到的第一个信息; 结构拙劣的标题可能不会吸引读者继续阅读。 标题对于文献检索也很重要;优秀、有效的标题不仅能引起读者强烈的兴趣,紧扣和准确表达论文的内容,还能反映作者研究的范围、方向和深度,同时还为文章提供了索引和关键词的重要信息,结构合理的标题将使搜索相关主题的研究人员更容易搜索到,从而发现与你主题相关的论文。
Effects of light and darkness on pH regulation in three coral species exposed to seawater acidification |
Effects of light and darkness on pH regulation and calcification in three coral species, Stylophora pistillata, Pocillopora damicornis and Acropora hyacinthus, exposed to seawater acidification |
2. 是否应该包括诸如“研究 / 调查 / 分析 / 初步观察...
(Study/Investigation/Analysis/Preliminary observations of) ”之类的表述。
不。 这些都是多余的表达方式,不应该包括在内。但是有种情况例外,通常建议说明这项研究是荟萃分析(meta-analysis)还是更大规模的一部分研究。
e.g., A meta-analysis of the association between Parkinson’s disease and subsequent prostate cancer risk
e.g., Development and validation of a simple hip fracture risk prediction tool for type 2 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase I
是的。 例如,如果你有一个独特的卖点,可以在标题中引用它。
e.g., A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals
e.g., You probably think this paper’s about you: narcissists’ perceptions of their personality and reputation.
e.g., Pharmacotherapy for patients with obesity
e.g., Competitiveness of agricultural products in the Eurasian Economic Union
这是一种吸引人的标题风格; 如果保持简短,可以做到引人注目。
e.g., Mechanism of paraoxonase-1: Comparing the reactivity of the six-bladed β-propeller hydrolases
e.g., Cu ion implantation improves the performance of Si film anode used in lithium ion batteries
e.g., Inhibition of activin-like kinase 4/5 attenuates cancer cachexia associated muscle wasting
在某些领域不被鼓励;例如,在医学领域,期刊编辑会对这些标题持谨慎态度,因为它们可能对公众卫生产生潜在不利影响。你冒着风险夸大结果。可能会引起编辑 / 审稿人的警惕。
e.g., Effects of>e.g., Assessment of multiple mycotoxins in breakfast cereals available in the Portuguese market
故意设置悬念,标题没有透露研究的主要发现,引导读者阅读摘要 / 全文。
e.g., Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of single-gene disorders by use of droplet digital PCR
e.g., Machine learning models for early sepsis recognition in the neonatal intensive care unit
如果方法论的名称太长,例如,normal-phase liquid chromatography mass spectrometry,则题目结构会很难构建。
e.g., Can dengue virus be sexually transmitted?e.g., Can enzyme proximity accelerate cascade reactions?
一种吸引人的标题风格; 如果标题保持简短,可以引人注目。
e.g., Beautiful interpolants
e.g., Sleeping Beauties in science
e.g., To freeze or not to freeze: A culture-sensitive motion capture approach to detecting deceit
1. Letchford A, Moat HS, Preis T. The advantage of short paper titles. Royal Soc Open Sci. 2015 Aug 1;2(8):150266.
2. Buter RK, van Raan AF. Non-alphanumeric characters in titles of scientific publications: An analysis of their occurrence and correlation with citation impact. J Informetr. 2011 Oct 1;5(4):608-17.