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作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2019年11月15



Tip # 1: 避免使用动词的名词形



 1. We should take into consideration several factors. 

 2. He must make a decision about what to do. 

 3. They gave us information about the new research program.




 1. We should "take into consideration" several factors. [7个字] 

 2. He must "make a decision" about what to do. [9个字] 

 3. They "gave us information" about the new research program. [9个字] 




 1. We should consider several factors. [5个字] 

 2. He must decide about what to do. [7个字] 

 3. They informed us about the new research program. [8个字] 




 × The analysis of how X-factor impacts B gene expression was conducted. [11个字] 


  √ We analyzed X-factor’s impact on B gene expression. [8个字] 




 如果你查找常见的动词名词化,可以发现一个模式。动词使用像是"make"和"take",动名词(verb + ing),或名词由-tion,-sion,-ment,-ence,和-ance结尾的,高概率都有一个相对应 动词, 所以当修改英文时,利用查找功能找出这些结尾和动词后修正就行。 








  1. 无意义动词 + 动词名词形: 删除无意义的,将动词名词形转换为主要动词。


  - Joe will conduct research on the impact of the recent drought on local wildlife.                   


    → Joe will research the recent drought’s impact on local wildlife. 


  - The board will make a decision next week about whether to accept you next week. 


    → The board will decide next week whether to accept you. 


 2. 当动词名词形是被动语态结构的主词时:找出真正的主词,并将动词名词形转换为该主题的动词。 


  - The approval of the plan was given by the committee yesterday. 


    → The committee approved the plan yesterday. 


 3. 动词名词形两两相接:转化第一个动词名词形为动词,保留第二个或将其转化成疑问子句。 



- Their interpretation of the implementation of the institute’s program was insightful. 


    → They insightfully interpreted how the institute implemented its program. 


- First was their introduction of their analysis of dreams by the trauma patients. 


    → First, they introduced how they analyzed the trauma patients’ dreams. 


4. 当主词中的动词名词形与谓词的动词名词形时: 将两个动词名词形转成动词,考量两者的关系并加上合理的连接词(because, when, if, although, even though, despite, etc.)。


- Her understanding of the situation was evidenced by the quitting of her job. 


    → She understood the situation … she quit her job 


   → When she quit her job, she showed she understood the situation.


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