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作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2012年11月13





PurposeTo investigate journal editors’ use of CrossCheck, powered by iThenticate, to detect plagiarism, and their attitude topotential plagiarism once discovered.

Method: A 22-questionsurvey was sent to 3,305 recipients, primarily scholarly journal editors from Anglophone countries, and a reduced 10-question version to 607 editors from non-Anglophonecountries. The response rate was 5.6%, and 42% of all respondents had used CrossCheck in their work.

Finding: (1) the plagiarism detectiontool and its similarity report are extremely useful and effective and can assist editors in screening documents suspected of plagiarism; (2) responses show the journal editors’ attitude and level of tolerance towards different kinds of plagiarism in different disciplines; (3) the survey results underscore a clear consensus on editorial standards on plagiarism, but there were small variations betweendifferent disciplines and countries, as well as between Anglophone and non-Anglophone.

Conclusion: (1) The plagiarism detection tool and similarity report are very useful and effective, which can assist editors to screen documents suspected of plagiarism. (2) Global editors have expressed a strong mainstream view in ethical standards even though there are slight variations between different disciplines and countries, as well as between non-Anglophone editors and Anglophone editors. (3) A universal principle and practical approaches to prevent plagiarism and duplicate publication should be established.


文字来源:Zhang Y H, Jia X Y. A survey on the use of CrossCheck for detecting plagiarism in journal articles. Learned Publishing, 2012, 25: 292–307. doi:10.1087/20120408

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